Sunday, 26 April 2020

That is not dead which can eternal lie...

As H.P.Lovecraft said, 'that is not dead which can eternal lie', and I can really tell some whoppers!

(Wait he talking about lying...or 'lie'ing ...)

Enough! This blog is not dead. Here's the best sketch Monty Python ever did to prove it:


  1. He has risen!...oh hang on that was last week. Nice choice of sketch too. It does beg the question ' what have the Romans ever done for us?'.

    1. I'm also fairly astonished, now that I see Elvira's bust in the title bloc, why I don't keep coming back to this blog ;)

  2. 'There called breasts Vivian we've all got them' shit sorry, wrong comedy ensemble...but yeah Elvira's 'positive physical representations of her as a powerful woman' (that should get me out of any potential trouble) do need more attention....err....

    1. Yeah. I sense some more posts soon ...she is now how I see the evil Witch Queen of Portmuck. purrrrfect

  3. Replies
    1. He's got a wife to know, do you know what she's called?

    2. Biggus D... oh no, that's not her.

    3. The power of Google compels thee...

      So I looked up this blog by accident on my phone, and saw an advert for 'incontinence pants'.
      I wondered how...why...? ...then saw the post above.
      Oh Google, you guys are so genius!
